Election Day for 11 of the 36 seats on the BABCNC is Sunday, March 18, 2025.
The 2025 Neighborhood Council elections will be conducted by mail only. To receive a ballot, you will need to bring/submit proof that you live, work, or own property within the BABCNC area, or participate in a community organization that has its address within the BABCNC area. For a map of the BABCNC area click HERE .
Unlike general elections, mail in ballots will NOT be sent to you automatically - you must apply for a mail-in ballot, and after January 17, 2025 and before March 9, 2025. We will update this page to include information about how to request a ballot as soon as the information becomes available.
To request a ballot, visit this link. You will need to log in to or set up an account. You will then be asked to upload documentation that proves your stakeholder status. The easiest way to prove residency is to upload a driver's license showing your address in BABCNC territory. If this is not an option, other acceptable types of documentation are listed in this documentation guide.
A paper application is also available. You can find that here.
It is recommended that you request your ballot ASAP as occasionally problems arise with ballot delivery.
A current list of candidates can be found here.
Generally, if you are 16 years of age or older, and you live, work, or own property within the BABCNC boundaries, or participate in a community organization that has its physical address within the BABCNC boundaries, you are eligible to vote for candidates for the following seats (for a map of the BABCNC area click HERE):
You are ALSO eligible to vote for the following seats if you are 16 years of age or older and live, work and/or own property, within the boundaries of the following neighborhood districts, or participate in a community organization within the boundaries of these neighborhoods:
Learn more about the seats, the Candidates, and details regarding who is eligible to vote for each seat HERE |
An additional 21 BABCNC seats are elected/appointed at various times of the year directly by Residential Stakeholder Groups in the BABCNC area. Contact your Homeowner's, Resident's, or Neighborhood Association for more information on being a candidate, or voting, for those seats.
Residential Stakeholder Group |
Number of Seats |
Website |
Contact |
Bel-Air Association |
4 |
Bel-Air Crest Master Association |
1 |
Bel-Air Hills Association |
2 |
[email protected] |
Bel-Air Ridge HOA |
1 |
[email protected] |
Benedict Canyon Association |
4 |
[email protected] |
Casiano Estates HOA |
1 |
Doheny Sunset Plaza Neighborhood Association |
1 |
[email protected] |
Holmby Hills HOA |
1 |
(310) 553-7176 |
Laurel Canyon Association |
4 |
Residents of Beverly Glen |
2 |
An additional 4 seats on the BABCNC Board are selected by the Board of the BABCNC. Selection generally occurs every two years at the first regularly scheduled meeting in June, but may occur at other times if there is a vacancy. The Board will solicit nominations before the meeting where selections are held for the following seats: