Public Works and Telecommunications Committee

In 2020 the BABCNC re-established the Public Works and Telecommunications committee.  The purpose is to provide a local neighborhood forum where information, communication and stakeholder feedback regarding planned or existing public works/telecommunication projects, can be discussed and actions determined.  The plan for the committee is to continue building upon the goals and to identify key liaisons for public works/telecommunication projects in our district

The mission of the BABCNC Public Works and Telecommunications (PW/T) committee is to ensure effective communication and collaboration among the BABCNC, its stakeholders, State and local government and agencies, investor owned utilities, including providers of telecommunication services to stakeholders, with respect to key projects and/or issues impacting BABCNC stakeholder community. 

Such projects shall include public works projects undertaken by various City of Los Angeles departments, any regulated investor-owned utility, or any commercial provider of telecommunication services, generating impact upon BABCNC stakeholder community.

LA City departments whose projects fall within the purview of the BABCNC PW/T committee will include (not be limited to) the following departments and agencies:

Department of Public Works
Bureau of Engineering
Bureau of Sanitation
Bureau of Street Lighting
Bureau of Street Services
Office of Petroleum and Gas Administration and Safety
Community Forestry Advisory Committee
Department of City Planning 
LA City Information Technology Agency
California Public Utilities Commission
Metropolitan Water District, Board of Transportation
Board of Water & Power
Southern California Gas Company

Key goals and priorities of the Committee are to:

1. Identify community liaisons for each of the LA City departments, regulated investor-owned utilities, commercial providers of telecommunication services tasked with communicating about planned public works or telecommunication projects impacting BABCNC stakeholder community.
2.  Develop and maintain functional communication relationships with the community liaisons and/or their consultants/contractors to ensure early involvement in design, costs and outcomes of project planning.  
3.  Support engagement of local constituents and stakeholders throughout course of project(s) implementation to minimize disruption in affected streets and neighborhoods.  
4.  Monitor the use of public funds and resources to ensure maximum fiscal accountability of LA City resources. 

Agenda Requests

The Public Works and Telecommunications Committee conducts its business by reviewing and prioritizing agenda requests for Board action (generally either in the form of a motion or letter) or announcements submitted by stakeholders, governmental entities and other interested individuals and organizations. The Administrative Committee has the discretion to postpone an request, refer it to a specific committee for review and recommendation, treat it as an announcement or consider and resolve it as a non-Board administrative matter.

CLICK HERE to fill out an Agenda Request.

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